strlen() - 获取字符串长度
$str = "Hello, World!"; $length = strlen($str); // $length will be 13
substr_replace() - 替换字符串中的一部分
$original = "I like apples."; $insert = "bananas"; $position = 7; $length = 6; $result = substr_replace($original, $insert, $position, $length); // $result will be "I like bananas."
strtoupper() - 将字符串转换为大写
$str = "hello world!"; $uppercased = strtoupper($str); // $uppercased will be "HELLO WORLD!"
strtolower() - 将字符串转换为小写
$str = "HELLO WORLD!"; $lowercased = strtolower($str); // $lowercased will be "hello world!"
strpos() - 查找字符串中首次出现的位置
$haystack = "Hello, World!"; $needle = "World"; $position = strpos($haystack, $needle); // $position will be 7
str_replace() - 替换字符串中的所有匹配项
$original = "I like apples."; $search = "apples"; $replace = "bananas"; $result = str_replace($search, $replace, $original); // $result will be "I like bananas."
trim() - 删除字符串两侧的空白字符
$str = " Hello, World! "; $trimmed = trim($str); // $trimmed will be "Hello, World!"